
Choosing a Preschool/Separation

  • 10 signs of a great preschool
    How to spot a top notch program for your child.
  • How academic should a preschool be?
    The best preschools blend play time and “seat work,” helping develop academic skills while allowing children to learn through play.
  • A smooth start
    When your child starts preschool, she may experience separation anxiety and regressive behavior. Child psychiatrist Joshua Sparrow explains what you can expect.

Play-based Learning


Fine Motor Skill Development Ideas

  • One of the best and least expensive materials for strengthening fine motor skills is playdough. Here are some ideas:
    • Roll pieces and form letters or shapes
    • Roll pieces and snap apart with pincer grasp
    • Roll pieces and cut apart with scissors or a plastic knife
    • Cold or warm playdough will stimulate the nerve endings in the fingers
  • More fun fine motor skill ideas:
    • Create a design using a Lite-Bright
    • Pick up objects with tongs gradually decreasing the size (pick up beans with tweezers)
    • Tear paper stripes
    • Twist small pieces of tissue paper on the end of a pencil eraser – glue the pieces into a shape outline
    • Make matching games using clothespins to attach to the answer.
    • Connecting cubes or unifix cubes
    • Match keys to locks and lock and unlock
    • Folding – washcloths or pieces of fabric before paper
    • Dress a Doll – zippers, buttons, hooks
    • Weave construction paper strips
    • Peg boards and geo boards